Wednesday, April 4, 2012

nerdiness and beauty unite

First Things First:
Follow me on Instagram! I am soooo happy that it was finally made available for Android phones!! Now I don't have to use my ipod for to follow me you ask?? Search: applejax27
Photosharing Rules!!

Comic Book Release Party = Fun :)
Wow what a blast! Last night my boyfriend and I attended our first comic book release party for the new Marvel book - Avengers vs. Xmen #1.. and what a fun night it was. We are both huge fans of the local comic book store, Bedrock City Comics.. he is more there for the superhero stuff.. which I do like and I have my favorites (Wonderwoman, Xmen, anything Batman) but I also love all their pop culture products and vintage items.. plus they have tons of toys and things from our childhood.. anyways, they had Avengers cupcakes, yummy cookies and other snacks, free pins and posters, plus they gave away special edition books, some toys and a ton of shirts, which I got lucky and won an Iron Man shirt! Now I have to find the special Wolverine cover for my love, because unfortunately he did not win one and that was the only thing him and myself wanted him to win.. damn the luck! But on the bright side.. now I am an official nerd because I have bought my first comic book.. and it felt.. good :)


Random Rant:
So isn't it crazy how social media is playing a huge part in our daily life.. where do you get your information from? where can you keep up with your friends and family in one place? and how about deals, coupons, special "facebook sales"... to me, it is truly incredible to think about how it has evolved..Remember when you were just on Myspace listening to music and posting Happy Birthday! graphics and then, noticing actual places of business were beginning to create accounts.. and now everyone is part of the "network" whether they are on facebook, twitter, tumblr and the now ever so popular Pinterest! Which is just on my mind because I just spent a whole hour of my life, mindlessly scrolling through a bajillion pins. I am starting to see the shift of "Corporate America" on the site, the more people that join the more another business will join. I think it's a good thing however, because it is just another way to inform and keep your loyal, money spending fans aware. BUT at the same time I like the fact it was originally people sharing THEIR favorite things, from their own source and not so drilled into our heads by the big guys. I like the small business approach though because I promote myself on pinterest, hoping to gain an audience but I am sharing things I love, in turn, the original Pinterest idea :) anyone else a veteran addict or a newbie addict of the site? follow me!

In Other News:
Besides being addicted to Pinterest.. I have become quite a fan of the reality show, Fashion Star, on NBC (Tuesdays @ 9pm) check it out! There have been a few really nice designs I want to buy, but let's be real here... I am a broke college student...The different designs are purchased and sold by either Macy's, Saks, or H&M.. and I have good news for any H&M fans in the Houston area... there is one opening soon at Willowbrook Mall! I'm sure that will be a crazy opening.. It has been LONG awaited and they are finally letting us Houstonians have a crack at em. Hopefully it will open before I leave for my study abroad trip to Prague/Vienna because I would love to get my hands on some trendy, fashion forward casual/business attire :)

Last Thought:
BIRCHBOX. I am loving having a subsciption to this company! You get a cute little box filled with beauty samples and random goodies.. you do pay a small fee, just $10 bucks a month - not bad and it's so much fun getting a package filled with products to test out and then you can buy them directly from their site for a special price.. such a great way to get your name out there, from a marketing perspective.. I just love the whole concept :) there's an example of a Birchbox below!! click to join birchbox!

Thanks for reading <3

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